Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Y Rod mount amd Y motor mount

Y Rod mount amd Y motor mount this uses the Nylon corner fixing blocks and 6mm or 1/4 MDF the ASDA Chopping block is to flexible for these parts... ;( as I tried.

Y Slider Rod mounting blocks

Materials :-

2 Nylon corner fixing blocks with the central hole drilled out to 8.5mm. (8.5 mm bearing blocks)
1 Nylon corner fixing blocks with the central hole drilled out to 6.5mm. (6.5 mm bearing block)
4 Nylon corner fixing blocks with all the holes drilled out to 8mm.
13 Nylon corner fixing blocks as they come.
2 8mm Steel bar 500mm long
6 4mm machine screws 50mm long.
2 4mm machine screws 35mm long.
28 4mm nuts.
A small piece of 6mm MDF

Tools used:-
Pedestal drill, 8.5mm, 8mm, 6.5 mm, 4mm, 3mm drills, Wood saw and vice.
Hand held drill, 8.5mm, 8mm, 6.5 mm, 4mm, 3mm drills, Wood saw and vice.

Method used:-

Note:- You must use a vice or make a little jig to hold the Nylon corner fixing blocks not only for safety but to maintain accuracy.

Clamped the Nylon corner fixing blocks in the vice then re-drill the single 4mm hole two with an 8.5mm drill 4 with the 8mm drill and one with the 6.5mm drill.

Then make three MDF Rod mount plates like this.

Now assemble the two bearing assemblies using the 6 4mm machine screws 60mm long.
Three standard Nylon corner fixing blocks with one 8.5 bearing Nylon corner fixing blocks.
Each assembly is made so that the screw heads and nuts are set into the counter bores of the 4mm mounting holes. the completed assemblies are then bolted to the Y axis slider rod mounting plate on the 4mm holes nearest the edge of the plate. The slider rod end stop is also a standard Nylon corner fixing block this screwed into the pair of 4mm holes in he middle of the plate. Repeat this for the single 6.5 mm bearing block just fit the 6.5mm beaing block instead of an 8mm one. This is makes a pair with the stepper motor mounting assembly.

Then make one of MDF Rod & motor mount plates. Note if you are using Bike chain as your drive you must make a four sided housing. Else just make the first two plates

Now assemble the stepper motor mounting assemblie using the 2 4mm machine screws 35mm long. Two standard Nylon corner fixing blocks are screwd together using the 35mm screws then they are bolted to the Y axis Stepper motor slider rod mounting plate on the 4mm holes nearest the edge of the plate. The slider rod end stop is also a standard Nylon corner fixing block this screwed into the pair of 4mm holes in he middle of the plate. Repeat this for the single 6.5 mm bearing block just fit the 6.5mm beaing block instead of an 8mm one. This is makes a pair with the stepper motor mounting assembly.

Then make one of MDF motor mount plate.
(Note adjust the 16mm centers to suit your stepper motors)

Top plate for Chain drive system.

Inner End plate for four sided motor mount using bike chain.

Now assemble the stepper motor mounting assemblie using the 2 4mm machine screws 35mm long. Two standard Nylon corner fixing blocks are screwd together using the 35mm screws then they are bolted to the Y axis Stepper motor slider rod mounting plate on the 4mm holes nearest the edge of the plate. The slider rod end stop is also a standard Nylon corner fixing block this screwed into the pair of 4mm holes in he middle of the plate. Repeat this for the single 6.5 mm bearing block just fit the 6.5mm beaing block instead of an 8mm one. This is makes a pair with the stepper motor mounting assembly.

Now the Y Slider rails can be hammerd with a rubber hammer into place any extra length of the slider rails must be at the pulley end not the stepper end of the assembly .

Time taken:-
Around 30 minuets or less.


Wade Bortz said...

Looking good! I've been considering bike chain myself, it's not like it's hard to find. :)

What kind of resolution are you going to get with those bike gears? I was worried about finding bike gears small enough.

Unknown said...

It was a while ago on the builders blog using 1/2 stepping its not too good @ 4 steps/mm however using micro stepping this is improved greatly.

Idea for use was based on this builders blog post.

March 17, 2009 "Skate bearings and bike chain"
